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Pakistan Real Estate Market 2018

To understand in depth details the real estate market let’s review first the economic glimpse of Pakistan economy.SOCIO ECONOMIC REVIEWPakistan’s economy showed significant signs of recovery and expansion in 2018 in comparison with previous years. The factors contributing to this improvement include improved security conditions, strong credit growth, soaring investment activity, recovery of the agriculture and manufacturing sectors and an overall improvement in macroeconomic conditions.  However these factors were affected by a rise in oil prices and other commodities, decline in foreign exchange reserves to fill a financing gap. GDP growth in FY17 was recorded at 5.3% as compared to 4.7% in FY16. GDP in 2017 was $304.3 Billion as compared to $283.66 Billion in 2016. A GDP growth of 5.5% is being forecasted by the IMF/ADB for 2018 with a projected GDP of circa Rs 321 Billion. Inflation has increased in FY17 to 4.2% compared to 2.9% in FY 2016. The increase is mainly linked to a rise in oil prices globally. Inflation for both food and other items rose slightly despite improved supply adequate food supplies as global prices strengthened. The benchmark interest Rate in Pakistan averaged 11.29 percent from 1992 until 2018, reaching an all-time high of 19.50 percent in October of 1996 and a record low of 5.75 percent in May 2016. Current situation of Pakistan’s real estate market and its long-term economic forecastThe real estate sector in Pakistan is growing and is an important sector of the economy. Pakistan spends about $5.2 billion on construction annually, and construction output accounts for 2pc of GDP. The accelerating rate of urbanization in the country requires urban planning and hence an effective management of the real estate market.What to Expect from the Pakistan Real estate Market in 2019.The Pakistan real estate market is one of those business sectors in Pakistan which has suffered a lot during the past few decades due to several factors. There have come a lot of ups and downs in that sector, that is why almost all the people who are somehow associated with real estate or property business, want to know what may be next. This article has been written keeping in mind all those factors which may affect the Pakistan real estate market in the coming days. But before we discuss the Pakistan real estate market and the expected forecast of 2019, let us first revive a brief summary and overall business round up of the past years.Summary round up of the Past YearsWhen we talk about the Pakistan real estate market, we are merely talking about how the Real estate sector in Pakistan has performed since the year 2001. The reason behind it is that this industry had a real up rise since that era.  It was the time when Pakistan real estate market was booming until the first half of 2017 with great success. No doubt there came many ups and downs but the overall report was not so much disappointing. All the mega projects and major societies stood up in that span of time, and also the sale and purchase on small and large scale was also very much astonishing. The gap which came from time to time was very much dependent upon and because of the foreign investment. Taxes and other restrictions during the past had direct impact upon as it is a critical factor for potential foreign investment in the sector.   As compared to the past, present condition of Pakistan real estate market can be declared as very much favorable for the seasoned investors. These kinds of investors very well know where, when and how to invest in the market without losing the game. No doubt the property bubble of 2015 and 2016 raised the prices of land and furnished property in certain areas much higher than their actual assessment. It had an overall impact on the whole sector and like any other asset the prices needed to correct and reach their genuine assessment in order to gain the confidence of genuine buyers. It must be noted that genuine price correction is a directly related to the health of overall real estate market. Due to the above factors and reasons Pakistan Real Estate Market Analysis 2018 will just act like a forecast for the Pakistan real estate market 2019. In that regard the main factors can be summed up as follows:Opportunities Offered in 2018According to the economists and the real estate analyzers, in 2018 a very much stable real estate market. It in turn started offering various opportunities all over Pakistan. However, it will be good if you do not expect any major bubbles in the Pakistan real estate market. However, the societies which are potential trend changers and best to invest in the upcoming year. Behavior of buyers & sellersWhen talking about the Pakistan real estate market, we can merely say that it is the market of the buyer rather than the seller. It is a fact that the properties are always more than the actual number of the potential buyers. The reason behind it is that the actual buyers are just waiting for the prices to come down and to be bottomed out. It will result in their will and choice so that they can buy much cheaper properties at the end of the game. As compared to the buyers, the sellers are much more desperate to some regard as they face very much difficulty and issues in finding potential buyers. Unless there is no buyer the sellers and investors have to minimize the losses through some other gateway. In other words they would have to compromise on the quality which will automatically lead to a disturbance in the market.   Impact of CPEC on Pakistan Real Estate and Gwadar China Pak Economic Corridor, also widely known as CPEC is a link between two countries China & Pakistan forming an alliance for the future of business dominance. The need for CPEC comes at a time when China has already captured the world’s production market but due to its geographical location faces hardships when sending out shipments. When you put your land to use, it has a dominant impact on the entire region. The projects impact on Pakistan’s economy will be huge and so will be on the real estate sector. The 3,218 KM long highway is under construction and still requires a lot of time and patience to complete.CPEC is a one-belt one-route plan that comprises a series of interstates, railroads, pipelines, and electricity. Linking Pakistan’s Gwadar deep-sea port with China’s Kashgar in western Xinjiang will allow neighboring regions to make use as well and reduce their trade routes with the rest of the world. Approximately 83% of China’s oil is transported thru the Strait of Malacca to Shanghai. The area it needs to travel is approx. 16ooo KM which requires 3 months owing to traffic and weather conditions. With Gwadar operational, 5000KM will be reduced cutting downtime and cost at the same time. The estimated cost of the project is around US $ 62 Billion. About US $ 46 Billion will guarantee the project gets operational by 2020 while the rest will be spent on upgrades and to manage overhead costs.Economic Boost in PakistanThe effect of CPEC on Pakistan’s economy will be huge. It would be a reason for setting up a lot of industry thus creating many jobs. As per the findings of Harvard International Development Research Department, the next 10 years annual development rate in Pakistan would rise to 5.07%. It will be the second most elevated in Asia.With an economic boost in the country, the demand for accommodation would certainly rise and a huge demand for land would be needed to fulfill. With more individuals being able to buy property, the real estate sector would thrive. The true impact would be witnessed after 2020 when the road belt is complete and becomes functional.Chinese Immigration in PakistanThe fact that CPEC is a joint venture between China & Pakistan means that many Chinese & Pakistani engineers would be deployed in Gwadar and along the lengthy belt. This is good news for the real estate sector as accommodating them would require the establishment of small cities along the belt. The land thus would be required in plentiful to build safe housing societies with all the amenities. Gwadar being the ultimate port would develop into a major city just like Karachi. Gawadar Lahore & Karachi would be the epicenter of after the completion. Property in these major cities will witness an enormous boom as there would be a need to accommodate not only the citizens but foreigners as well.Pakistan’s Real Estate Sector at Its BloomNevertheless, the real estate sector of Pakistan has proved itself to be the strongest of all sectors and has made an appreciative comeback after the year lasting lump. China has already made huge investments in Gwadar, attracting the foreign-based Pakistani’s back to their homeland. The major target of all these seminars and Expos are the Pakistani’s settled abroad, as they are always on the lookout for making good and profitable investments in their own country.With the current developments being made in Karachi, under Bahria Town Karachi will also come out to be the hub for foreign investments in the years to come as it offers numerous major attractions, from the world’s third largest mosque to the Rafi Cricket stadium. We have already seen the revolution in Karachi’s real estate market due to projects like Bahria Sports City, Bahria Paradise, and Bahria Golf City. The world is witnessing recessions and an awful decline in real estate sector, whereas Pakistan stands firm, proving itself to be the best investment market in the world. 


Economic Growth Through Construction of Modern Educational Institutions.

Al-Qadir University SohawaNew Era of Economic Construction   Part 1:-Modern Education Education, in present age being the most important and necessary thing for people, is considered to be a gift of this modern age whereas eventually it is only the Glorious Qur’an to which goes the credit of education’s foundation and its boundless advancement.It is an established truth that Islam has attached much emphasis on education. It is only Islam, which occupies this distinguished position of being the messenger of knowledge and leader of an educational revolution. According to Islamic viewpoint, the humanity set out for its journey in the light of knowledge, not in the darkness of ignorance as many civilized people say that man is a developed form of animals. Other systems have put education in the category of necessities of life but Islam has regarded it the utmost necessity of human life. There is neither a religion nor a civilization that has termed education as basic right of every individual in the society.  Part 2:- Benefits of Modern EducationThe field of education, covering ethics, religion, skills and general knowledge, is a very broad and very vital one. The importance of learning in enabling the individual to put his potential to optimal use is self-evident. Without education, the training of the human mind is incomplete. No individual is a human being in the proper sense until he has been educated. Education makes man a right thinker and a correct decision-maker. It achieves this by bringing him knowledge from the external world, teaching him to reason, and acquainting him with past history, so that he may be a better judge of the present. Without education, man, as it were, is shut up in a windowless room. With education, he finds himself in a room with all its windows open to the outside world. Part 3:- Education in Islam     This is why Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education. The Qur’an, it should be noted repeatedly asks us to observe the earth and heavens. This instills in man the desire to learn natural science. When the Qur’an began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was ‘Iqra!’ that is, ‘Read.’ Education is thus the starting point of every successful human activity.All the books of hadith have a chapter on knowledge (ilm). In Sahih Bukhari, there is a chapter entitled, “The virtue of one who acquires ilm (learning) and imparts it to others.” In the hadith, the scholar is accorded great respect. According to one tradition, the ink of a scholar’s pen is more precious than the blood of a martyr, the reason being that while a martyr is engaged in the task of defence, an alim (scholar) builds individuals and nations along positive lines. In this way, he bestows upon the world a real life treasure.The very great importance attached to learning in Islam is illustrated by an event in the life of the Prophet. At the battle of Badr, in which the Prophet was victorious, seventy of his enemies were taken prisoner. Now these captives were all literate people. So, in order to benefit from their erudition, the Prophet declared that if each prisoner taught ten Madinan children how to read and write, that would serve as his ransom and he would be set free. This was the first school in the history of Islam, established by the Prophet himself. It was of no matter to him that all its teachers were non-Muslims, all were prisoners of war, and all were likely to create problems again for Islam and Muslims once they were released. This Sunnah of the Prophet showed that whatever the risk involved, education was paramount.Islam not only stresses the importance of learning, but demonstrates how all the factors necessary to progress in learning have been provided by God. An especially vital factor is the freedom to conduct research. Such freedom was encouraged right from the beginning, as is illustrated by an incident which took place after the Prophet had migrated from Makkah to Madinah. There he saw some people atop the date palms pollinating them. Since dates were not grown in Makkah the Prophet had to ask what these people were doing to the trees. He thereupon forbade them to do this, and the following year date crop was very poor as compared to previous year. When the Prophet asked the reason, he was told that the yield depended on pollination. He then told the date-growers to resume this practice, admitting that they knew more about “worldly matters” than he did. In this way, the Prophet separated practical matters from religion, thus paving the way for the free conduct of research throughout the world of nature and the adoption of conclusions based thereon. This great emphasis placed on exact knowledge resulted in the awakening of a great desire for learning among the Muslims of the first phase. This process began in Makkah, then reached Madinah and Damascus, later centering on Baghdad. Ultimately it entered Spain. Spain flourished, with extraordinary progress made in various academic and scientific disciplines. This flood of scientific progress then entered Europe, ultimately ushering in the modern, scientific age. Part 4:- Opening of Al- Qadir University and Prime Minister Briefing. In this regard PM Imran Khan inaugurated a new university with details below which will boost economy due to construction of new housing societies within the campus and outside.Al- Qadir University Sohawa would play an important role in creation of Naya Pakistan as environed.It has been named after Abdul Qadir Jilani, who linked science and spirituality.We consider spirituality a super science; it needs research, which will be conducted here. This university is being formed for a purpose. We want to turn our youth into leaders. That will happen when they get to know the principles of the state of Madinah. We will undertake research and learn how the Muslims rose from Madinah.The vision to turn Pakistan into a welfare state on the principles of Medina state. Educational institutions like Al- Qadir University not only imparted Islamic teachings to the youth, but also educated them in modern technology, which was a legacy of the Muslim Ummah.The imparting modern scientific education to the youth was vital and Al-Qadir University Sohawa would provide such opportunities to the local students.Al-Qadir university will impart not only education in science and technology but also give them spiritual training. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) had emphasized for attaining education in order to excel in life and added that no society can progress without education.The Muslim world produced eminent scientists and researchers in history because they followed the teachings of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) in letter and spirit. Justice and welfare of people were prerequisite to keep a country stable and secure. The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by many prominent Pakistanis educational & economic leaders.  


Contributing to National Migration

Advice Associates Contributing to National Migration   ADVICE ASSOCIATES IS AWARE OF MIGRATION IN PAKISTAN AND HELPING THE NATION IN ITS SETTLEMENT.   Advice associates is the only Estate Agency in Bahira town which support the local and international migrant to settled in the best housing societies in Pakistan with the supports of its  online and offline information system. All the information’s are updated on daily basis, which includes plots no, prices and location of plots. In this article all the issues related to migration are briefed in details with standardized statistics. The only goal of Advice Associates in to provide local and international migrant the best solution to settle in planned areas and societies. Migration is a way to move from one place to another in order to live and work. Movement of people from their home to another city, for a job, shelter or some other reasons is called migration. Migration from rural areas to urban areas has increased in past few years in Pakistan.            Causes of Migration Nowadays, many people decide to migrate to have a better life. Employment opportunities are the most common reason due to which people migrate. Except this, lack of opportunities, better education, construction of dams, globalization, natural disaster (flood and drought) and sometimes crop failure forced villagers to migrate to cities. There are less earning opportunities in villages. There are hospitals with lack of facilities. People are not aware of new technological advancements. Quality of education is poor as compared to a city.            Impacts of Migration Migration is becoming a very important subject for the life of cities. Many opportunities and attraction of big cities pull large numbers of people to big cities. Migration can have positive effects on the life of the migrants.            Positive Impact         I.        Unemployment is reduced and people get better job opportunities.     II.        Migration helps in improving the quality of life of people.    III.        It helps to improve social life of people as they learn about new culture, customs, and   languages which help to improve brotherhood among people.    IV.        Migration of skilled workers leads to a greater economic growth of the region.     V.        Children get better opportunities for higher education.    VI.        The population density is reduced and the birth rate decreases.                Migration in Pakistan Pakistan is among the most urbanized countries of South Asia. As challenges urban planning is gradually finding space in the policy.                 I.        According to 1998 census records, some 10 million people, or 8 per cent of the population of Pakistan, were internal or international migrants.             II.        With an urban population growing three percent per year, Pakistanis are flocking to cities faster than any other country in South Asia. By 2030, more than half of Pakistan’s projected 250 million citizens are expected to live in cities.            III.        The most frequent reasons given for migrating within Pakistan were related to family and marriage, although employment and business reasons were also common. The main drivers of Pakistan’s urban growth are high birth rates and migration from rural areas. Migrants are attracted to cities for better jobs and improved access to basic services.            IV.        Regions in which there was widespread out-migration were those where incomes were low and uncertain.             V.        Reasons for rural migration included displacement due to development projects; migration from arid areas; migration of share-tenants and seasonal migration.            VI.        In most of the major cities planning for migration has been reactive rather than anticipatory migrant communities have established themselves in squatter settlements without infrastructure support, and slowly legalized them.   Following Are The Biggest Challenges Facing Urban Policymakers.   1. Poor housing quality and affordability   The State Bank of Pakistan has estimated that across all major cities, urban housing was approximately 4.4 million units short of demand in 2015. If current trends continue, Pakistan’s five largest cities will account for 78 percent of the total housing shortage by 2035. When provided, housing is often low quality. Pakistan ranks eighth among the ten countries that collectively hold 60 percent of substandard housing across the world. Karachi, one of the world’s fastest growing mega cities with an estimated 17 million people.   2. Water and Sanitation   In most Pakistani cities, water is supplied only four to 16 hours per day and to only 50 percent of the population. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), 90 percent of water supply schemes are unsafe for drinking. Shared latrines among households are common in cities and access to solid waste management services remains low. The World Bank estimates that poor sanitation costs Pakistan around 3.9 percent of GDP.       3. Health   While overall health and nutrition are better for urban than for rural population child mortality and malnutrition indicators show that Pakistan’s urban poor have health outcomes only marginally better than the rural poor. Better health outcomes in urban areas are explained by improved access to private health care in cities.    4. Education   Although urban areas have higher student enrollment and better learning outcomes. Like healthcare, better education in cities is explained by the private sector. The absence of educational and health facilities in smaller cities pushes people towards big cities, where service delivery becomes increasingly strained as the urban population grows.   5. Land Management   Outdated land use regulation and building codes, the absence of a unified land record system and patchy data on land use result in poor urban land management. One consequence is extreme inequality in land use. In Karachi, 36 percent of the population lives in formally planned settlements that consume 77 percent of the city’s residential land, where urban density can be as low as 84 people per hectare. On the other hand, Karachi’s many informal settlements have densities of more than 4,500 per hectare. These hugely varying densities have resulted in unequal access to vital urban services.  Unplanned urban sprawl continues unchecked. Housing schemes built beyond city limits have used up an estimated 60,000 acres of prime agricultural land. Rawalpindi, Karachi and Lahore have seen the development of large real estate schemes by private and military developers particularly along the highways. These ventures are redefining urban limits, further straining service delivery.     Role and Goal of Advice Associates:- Advice Associates are fully aware of migration environment and it sole goal is to provide the needy migrant the best settlement solution, and the investor the best investment solution in real estate business with best ROI. We as an Estate Agency are helping the nation in national migration to settle the nation in the most advanced housing societies of Pakistan.


Silver City Rawalpindi Housing Scheme

Silver City Rawalpindi Housing Scheme Silver city Rawalpindi housing scheme will provide you affordable, peaceful and modern living. That is located near populated areas and posh housing schemes. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan and one of the best capital among world that contain natural beauty. That is why private housing societies in Islamabad or near Islamabad have more worth than any other housing society. Silver city is located on a location from where Islamabad and Rawalpindi are easily accessible, the construction of ring road has increase its worth Project Overview: Silver City Housing Scheme Rawalpindi will give its residents a luxurious life and all modern facilities of life. The project is designed specifically designed to provide luxurious lifestyle to its residents at least and easy payment plan that can be afford by you easily. Silver City Rawalpindi is designed to give ultra-urban environment with all latest and necessary amenities. Unique Characteristics: Wide Roads Water Sully System Electricity Gas Full Proof Security System Computerized Education system Public Parks Overhand Tank and Tube Well Jamia Mosque Community Center Solar Street Lights Bank Easy Approach and Excellent Environment All Latest Services Fresh Air and Beat Location Green Belts and Splendid Carpeted Roads Cleanliness Units Standardized and Rapid Development is Guaranteed 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 Marla, and 1 Kanal residential plots are available in Silver City with 3 years easy installment plan. Booking process has started. Payment Plan (Residential Plots)     Extra Charges:           Corner10%          Facing Park 5%          Main Boulevard 10%          10% Discount will be given if you pay full payment at the time of booking. Location: Silver City Housing Scheme is located on Girja Road that is close to chakri interchange. It is also closer to many popular housing schemes. It is 12 kilometer from Rawalpindi, 9 kilometer far from Quaid-e-Azam International Hospital, 4 kilometer far from Motorway Interchange, and 7 minute drive from New Islamabad International Airport.


Qurtaba City Islamabad

Qurtaba City Islamabad Booking StartsQurtaba City is one of the best housing project that is approves by TMA under NOC No. 105/TMO. All other related NOC's are also approved by concerned authorities. The aim is to build a housing scheme that is purely based on harmony, equality and peace.The idea of Qurtaba City is truly inspired by Muslim city Spain, QURTABA. It is perfectly designed and an independent city for peaceful residence. Rapid development is going on and many houses has been constructed. Booking process has been started. Booking starts only from 150,000/- Rs. 5, 10 Marla, 1 Kanal, and commercial plots of various sizes are available. Payment Schedule Sales Policy No. 15   Sr. No   Plot Size Installment payment Price Down Payment 25% Monthly Installment (30) Yearly Installment (6) Payment Price 1 500 Sq. Yards 3600000 1000000 46667 200000 3240000 2 272 Sq. Yards 1950000 500000 28333 100000 1755000 3 138 Sq. Yards 990000 250000 14667 50000 891000   Prominent FeaturesQurtaba International UniversityA modern and fully equipped university that is comprises of 872 kanal area, is situated at the core location of qurtaba city. This mosque has a capacity of 165,000 people. The purpose is to educate multiple students in different department such as Islamic studies, sociology, engineering, and medical sciences. Jamia Majid QurtabaTo motivate and implement the concept of brotherhood, religious knowledge, and real Islamic teaching Jamia Majid Qurtaba is planned. That is comprise of 190 kanal of area. Except this there would be a sector mosque in each sector. CommercialTo facilitate people there would a central commercial market and mini commercial market in each sector. The huge infrastructure of commercial area not only serve you basic needs of daily life but also gave you the best chance to improve your business investments.ResidenciaThe residential area to qurtaba city is beautifully architect by engineers and professionals. Each sector contains mosque, school, market and parks. Other than this underground electricity, green belts, 40 feet wide roads, complete security, transport system, and beautiful structure make it a dreamy place for residence. Location:Qurtaba city is located near Chakri Interchange that is situated at the distance of 40 minutes' drive from main Islamabad, and 30 minutes drive from Islamabad International Airport. it is also easily reachable from Rawalpindi Saddar through Dhamial Road. 


"Celavi" in Bahria Enclave Islamabad by Daniel Johns Group

Daniel Johns Group is UK's originated innovative Real Estate Company that is recently launched in Islamabad. A huge ceremony was held to introduce Danial Johns Groups in Serene Hotel. it's global headquarter is in London. It is a leading real estate company that is currently working in Europe, Asia and USA. Collectively 100 years of working experience with highly satisfied clientage is the dominated factor of this company. DJ Group has strong and capable team members that successfully deliver end project to its clients. the companies that are known for their innovation are penetrating with Danial Johns Group. Achievements: Moreover than 500 real estate units in the UK and abroad. Moreover than 200 real estate units are under development.  It Offers 6 Different Brands: DJ HomesDJ Suites (Contemporary Accommodations) Boulevard Apartments Luxury Apartments Modern Serviced Offices Food Franchises Daniel Johns Group Islamabad: Daniel Johns Group launches its latest project "Celavi" in Pakistan. That offers single, duplex and triplex apartments, penthouses and commercial shops in Bahria Enclave Islamabad. The launch event was personally attended by Mr. Khalid Iqbal Bhatti (Chairman and Group Owner), Mr. Paul Vand Stando (CEO), Mr. Peter Summers (Group Director) and the rest of UK Team. Famous Celebrities, Actors and Models also attended this event launch ceremony. Location in Islamabad: This project is situated in Bahria Enclave Islamabad that is the hottest location of Islamabad and easily accessible and well connected with key places. 15 miles from Zero Point Islamabad, 35 miles from Islamabad International Airports, 16 miles from Rawalpindi, 34 miles from Murree and only 5 miles away from Jinnah Avenue.


Make Your Kitchen Attractive and Spectacular

Make Your Kitchen Attractive and SpectacularThe layout of kitchen represent the taste of residents thats why it is necessary to spend money on it. For this reason you have to buy some expensive things but you can buy some cheap materials yo lessen the expenditure however reliability of material should consider. Now a days it is much easy for you to decorate your kitchen in low budget.Melamine's Cabinets and Granite Counter:If you use melamine for doors and cabinets then you can save money to make counter from granite or limestone.Bricks are the wiser selection:If you have spend a lot of money for marble or granite counter and kitchen goods then simple bricks can complete wall construction without much expensive. Stones are reliable:Traditionally kitchen counter are made up of marbles and if you take good care of these counters they can be long lasting. They are expensive but there is no deny on its durability.Silestone's counter:It's a wiser choice because it remain safe from stains and marks. This material is 96% percent made up of sile stone and 4% of plastic. Polyvinyl chloride:Polyvinyl chloride is best choice for kitchen cabinets and doors. There are multiple designs of it and its reliability is guaranteed.Shining concrete or counter made by cement:This is wiser choice because its surface is smooth and sustained. It is brightened that give shiny effect to your kitchen. Shelves:Shelves are best and cheaper selection to keep utensils.One central counter:Of you need more space to do work in kitchen so you can take any table and turns it into counter.Do not ignore the lower part of furniture:Cleanliness of lower part of kitchen is very necessary, because water is much used in kitchen and if you do not clean it properly then moist can ruined the furniture.Wallpaper:You can use customize wallpaper for your kitchen which will make your kitchen more beautiful in less budget.Arrangement of kitchen accessories:Kitchen is a part of house where female spend much time and environment of kitchen effect your mood, so it should be arranged in a way that give peaceful and fresh feel to you. Different colors and designs of tiles provide pleasant appearance to your kitchen. Arrangement of kitchen furniture should be in a way that give your kitchen a wide and wast look.Granite, chips, and cement are older ways to make kitchen walls. if you desire to have an ancient look then use light green, off white, golden, light brown, silver, or sky blue colors. If you want to design it in latest ways then use bright colors. Now a days copper and steel less steel are being used for kitchen counters, moreover its cleanliness is easy. The way you design your kitchen totally depends upon you. Beauty and cleanliness of kitchen keep your mind fresh and energetic during work. While mismanaged and dirty appearance gave stress to your mind and ultimately end results will badly effect. Kitchen that contain all necessary things:With the passage of time and rapid development of kitchen equipment and accessories number of things that are kept in kitchen are increasing. Everyone desire to have each and every thing but there is need to have a proper place to kept these things. Properly designed and well organized plan can overcome this problem so think wisely for better and positive results. Built-in design are being used that have proper planning to adjust oven, stove and other kitchen's goods.


Motorway City Executive Block On Installments

Motorway City Executive Block Executive Block is an Affordable Modern Living. It's NOC is Approved. Motorway City is specially planned for peace loving people. This housing society contain all latest living facilities. Motorway Executive block is becoming a center of attraction for investors due to increasing demand of trading. This project is being highly appreciated due to its unique characteristics.    This Society Contains 5, 7, 10, 12 Marla and 1 Kanal Residential Plots on 5 Years easy Installments. Booking: 85000/- Rs Monthly Installments: 7000/- Rs Complete 5 Years Payment Plan:   Following are Some Essential Features: PGA Standard Golf Course Theme Park Parks and Jogging Tracks Medical Center Air Conditioned Schools, Colleges, Hospital and Mosques.  Golf Club Refreshment Places  Supermarkets and Shopping Malls 190 Feet Wide Boulevard 40 Feet Wide Streets 24/7 Security Electricity and Gas Supply Clear Blue Lake Peaceful Environment The Construction of new Damn is plus point for the residents of Motorway City that will provide 24 hour water supply as well as fresh environment.  30% of area is reserved for greenery to keep environment healthy and fresh.  Map:   Location: It is ideally located at 5 Min Drive from New Islamabad International Airport And 3 Min Drive from CPEC Route. Few Minute drive from Lahore and Peshawar motorway is the speciality of Motorway City Executive.    For more details contact us at 051-5179664.  


Bahria Town Rawalpindi Maintenance Instruction

Bahria Town Rawalpindi Maintenance InstructionMaintenance office bahria town is 27/7 available to facilitate its residents.Maintenance Services Includes Water, Electricity, Gas, Sewerage Line, Road, Footpath, Grills, Street Boards, Traffic Signal, Speed Breaker refinery, Water Supply, Garbage Disposal, Cleanliness of Road, Street Lights, Drain Cleanliness, Dangee Spray, Security, Mosques, Filtration Plants, and Graveyard.Other than this maintenance complaint staff is available for ordinary repair.Complaint Desk:Submit your complain on complaint desk round the clock and get your complain number.Enter timing with your signature on complain chit after the issue is resolved.For your convenience complain boxes are fixed on important places for submission of your complains and suggestions.Ordinary Repair:Complaint staff for ordinary repair only includes plumber, electrition, carpenter, and wire man.Resident will be responsible for the cost required for repairing material.Complaint staff will not responsible for the damage of old line and goods during construction.Only external damage are repaired by maintenance staff, they responsible for inner construction faults.For any change first take permission from design wing, maintenance office would not be responsible in case of any damage.Before submitting repairing complain arrange repairing material otherwise you have to submit the complain again.After buying the house residents will afford the expense to exchange goods or material. (safari/bahria homes and awami villas).Avoid giving any cost to maintenance staff, maintenance staff would not be responsible for any give and take.Construction of House:During construction submit written complain related to construction so that relevant office can be informed.During construction facility of water and electricity will be provided, all services are given after completion certificate.Submit application for gas meter as soon as possible else office will not be responsible for delay.Dustbin will be provided only once for two houses, you have to pay charges for second buying.Preparation of Construction material and dumping of construction waste is not allowed on Road, Foot Paths and joined Plot.Fine will implement in case of any damage on Footpaths and Services.Bring payable copy of bill with you for transfer certificate.Common Instructions:Do not hang clothes and wire in balcony.Changing of design or color to the outlook of house is not allowed.Outer side of house should keep clean.Pay utility bills on time regularly. Get the bills from office in case if you do not receive the bills.Inform maintenance and security office before renting out your house.Cooperate with bahria town management to keep bahria town clean and follow the instruction given by possession certificate.


Bahria Town Karachi Possession Announces

Bahria Town Karachi Announces Possession of Developed Precinct:The wait is finally over. Bahria Town Karachi announces to handover the possession for the following precinct:Precinct-3     2000 Sq YardPrecinct-4      500 Sq YardPrecinct-6      250 Sq YardPrecinct-8      250 Sq YardPrecinct-12    250 Sq YardThese blocks contain all the living facilities like Park, Mosques, Commercial Areas, Community Clubs, Hospitals and Schools etc.Those who have any residential plot or property in the above-mentioned precinct can now apply for possession to start construction of their dream house. This is the right time to choose the best place for your residence according to your budget.If you have plot/home/apartment and you want to apply for possession then you should have the following documents:Request for PossessionProvisional Allotment LetterCopy of CNIC2 Passport Size PhotographIf the Allotte cannot Visit the Office then Authority Letter of Rs.100 Stamp Paper. Original Customer Copy of Booking FormAll Original Deposit SlipsPossession, Utility, and Maintenance Charges: Plot Size Utility Charges Possession Charges Maintenance Charges Residential Plots Upto 5 Marla (125 Sq Yd) 65000 75000 1500 Upto 5 Marla (205 Sq Yd) 90000 105000 2500 Upto 1 Kanal (500 Sq Yd) 195000 165000 5000 Upto 2 Kanal (1000 Sq Yd) 285000 195000 10000 Upto 4 Kanal  and Above 325000 270000   Commercial Plots Upto 2 Marla 110000 - - Upto 4 Marla 180000 - - Upto 5 Marla (125 Sq Yd) 275000 325000 1500 Upto 8 Marla (200 Sq Yd) 315000 450000 2000 Upto 10 Marla (250 Sq Yd) 395000 575000 2500 Upto 1 Kanal (500 Sq Yd) 650000 625000 5000 Upto 2 Kanal   735000 - 10000 Over 2 Kanal 650000 - - Bahria Homes Old Bahria Homes 6 Marla 130000 165000 1500 Old Bahria Homes 8 Marla 165000 150000 2000 Iqbal Villa 6 Marla 130000 165000 1500 Quaid Villa 8 Marla 165000 220000 2000                                             Bahria Apartments 2 Bedrooms (950 sq. ft) 85000 175000 1500 3 Bedrooms (2250 sq. ft) 130000 225000 1800 4 Bedrooms (2950 sq. ft) 175000 285000 2500 Farm Houses 1 Acre 350000 550000 8000 1.5 Acre 525000 775000 14000 2 Acre 675000 950000 20000 Jinnah Avenue Commercial 1 Kanal 725000 1200000 5000


Naya Pakistan Housing Program

Naya Pakistan Housing Program (Process to Apply after Issuance of Registration Form)Prime Minister Imran Khan announces to build 5 Million houses in 5 years for needy people on reasonable price and easy installments.  PM Imran Khan Said, "This Housing Program is our priority because many industries are concerned with housing projects and after completion of this project we will be able to get out of our miserable condition and crisis". On 11 September 2018 NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) has launched the Registration Form for the registration of Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme. The project will be initiated from seven district that includes Islamabad, Faisalabad, Sukkur, Muzaffarabad, Gilgit, Quetta, and Swat.To apply you can simply download the Registration Form. The form submission process will start from 22 October 2018 and will continue till 21 December 2018 along with the registration fee of Rs 250. For the submission of the form, you can visit offices of related districts: IslamabadFaisalabadSukkurMuzaffarabadGilgitQuettaSwatEligibility:This is only a registration form.The applicants will be selected according to the data collected by NADRA about the housing needs of the people. People who do not have any residential place would be preferred.Only one member from a family(husband, wife, or child) can apply.You have to submit a fee of 250/- Rs at the time of form submission. You must have to fill all the fields mentioned in the form below. The registration form is free and photocopy of form is also acceptable. You can download the form by simply clicking:Online Registration Form                                                  بکنگ شروع ہے                                                  فارم ڈاون لوڈ کرنے کیلئے کلک کریں


Floor Designs for Home

Latest Designs of FloorsNow a day’s floor is not only made up of cement or marble infect wooden, venial or cork floors are also made. So make your house versatile with the help of latest designs and ideas of the floor.Wooden Floors:These types of the floor are made up by laminating the floor. Decent things are kept decently so the vacuum cleaners are used for cleanliness. If you want to wash the floor with water than do not use water directly on such floor infect use a wet wiper to wash, otherwise water will leave its drains.Wood vanish its glow with the passage of time if your floor is losing its shine than polish it. You can make polish at home to brighten your floor as well as your furniture at home:         Mix one cup of lemon juice in half cup of baby oil and after mixing apply this mixture at the wood with the help of the soft cloth.         Now clean the wood with the wet cloth.         Dip another piece of cloth in coconut oil and rub it on the floor with a light hand. Marble Floor:Daily cleanliness of marble is much necessary. Dust and Dirt are harmful to marble. For cleanliness use hot water and soft wiper.Chips Floor:Chips is an advanced form of marble. Tiny pieces of marble are mixed in the mixture of cement that is smoothened with the help of machines. If you want the latest patterns and designs of chips than this could be the best option for you to make your house sophisticated and stylish.3-D Floors:Your floor is whether made up of wood, marble or chips you can decorate it with 3D designs pictures that replicate the beauty of oceans, clouds or colorful views of the jungle.It’s a bit complex task to made 3D effect but once you have done it you can enjoy its beauty long-lastingly. 3D pictures designs are available on the internet and you can get it easily. Take the services of experts to design 3D floor.Concrete Floor:You do not need special material to make the concrete floor. You can use the material that is used to make the roof to build a floor. If you desire to make it beautiful you can use pieces of marble on that concrete floor. It will enhance the beauty of the floor but one thing you have to keep in your mind that do not use soap or detergent because it dims the luster of marble. Shampoo or baking soda are its best alternatives. Dried out the floor with dry cloth because water leaves its drains that look inappropriate.Tiles Floor:There are many forms of tiles. Tiles are mostly used for the walls and floor of bathrooms. Now in Pakistan, there are multiple options for designing tiles according to your own selected colors schemes and combination. So gave versatile and pleasant designs to the walls of your house so that your house looks incredible.