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Latest and Traditional Staircase Design Ideas For Home

Stairs are the necessary part of any house. They are used to move from one floor to another, to increase the beauty of the house and represent the scene of heaven it is considered to be the best and necessary selection. You are constructing a house and not constructing stairs in it, sounds an incomplete and unusual thing. According to the interior designer no matter house is small or big stairs should not be without gorgeous and elegant styles because they play important role in showing your lifestyle. Talking about stairs and not considering railing around it is an incomplete talk. As construction of stairs seems difficult same as the choice of railing or grills around stairs is a hectic task. Luxury stairs in your house can be a remarkable focus in any home and can highlight the general home stylistic layout. While the plan and style for stairs are critical, the basic component is the railing. An all-around composed railing is basic for a rich staircase. The railing has become a base component, not only just made for security purposes, infect according to the modern interests it adds style and beauty inside of a house. The options of designs are everlasting for railings, coming in all shapes and models. So we provide you best options to choose for railing under the experiences of interior specialists. Elegant Wood Railing: Now a days wooden railing is the best choice for stairs. That is simple but unique and long-lasting option. This style is mostly used with wooden or marble stairs. The beautiful and simple panels at starting and ending point of stairs enhance the beauty of the stairs. If you want more elegant style then construct the stairs using the lower surface of stairs in the shape of a cupboard and get an appraisal. Unique Spiral Railing design: Although iron steel is the most common way of designing stairs but if you do little more work on iron than this can enhance the beauty of your house. The use of iron railing in unique spiral ways can make your stairs more stylish and attractive.  And if you chose a golden color for railing then this can build your house in a classical way. Stylish Glass Railing: Complete glass railing is also a modern way but it is a delicate choice. In this glass is used in the railing for making it more beautiful. In this, the use of steelwork with glass can be a nicer selection. Attractive Net Railing: The net railing is also a common way but use of white colored net with dark color base is the nicer way of making your house beautiful. For this purpose, the combination of wood and iron is used in a specific way and make beautiful interior and designs on it. Stainless Steel Railing: Stainless steel if the latest design which is suitable for houses as well as for offices. No matter your stairs are made up of wood, glass, the use of stainless steel increase the beauty of your stairs. It is quite expensive but its a strong and long-lasting material.    We always appreciate latest trends, fashions and provide you unique and creative ideas for your home. if you need any help you can contact us at 03217673867.    


Fountains For Your Home

In sunny days make your house friendly and cold is everyones priority. When we talk about the interior of the house, the water fountains are amazing thing that creates peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. A magnificent sound of indoor water fountains creates the feeling of calm and coldness. There are many other advantages of water fountain such as it improves the quality of air and it is necessary for healthy mind and healthy body. Theses fountains are not only built in wide places outside the house, even they can be built inside the house, terrace or on the roof. If you implement unique ideas then you can do efficient work by utilizing small place. Center Stage: Center stage is first eye catching point in your house. Utilize it as your water feature point. Make a round design by using marble, lime stone or mud for more coldness. At the height of 2 feet from surface of the ground. Cover that fountain with green color. This fountain represent a fresh and pleasant atmosphere.  Garden Wall: When temperature increases then you can feel it in garden as well due to the hotness absorbed in the wall. The best option is available, use the empty walls of your garden and build unique fountains there. Cover the wall with beautiful tiles. Build fountains according to the available space. Flowing water from fountains would be enough to create fresh, pleasing and cold effect even in summer. Steel Slander: If there is little space in your house and you are worried where to build the fountain then you can solve this problem by keeping steel slander fountains any empty place in your house. Dropping water from inside that fountain would be enough for pleasant sense. Garden Furniture: Use garden furniture in garden as it appears to be a part of it. Fountains water from the wall of the garden passing through your dining table, and flowing at other corner of the table. The voice coming form the dropping water will gave sweetness to your ears during eating.Table Top Fountains: If you want charming look and peaceful voice of water together than table top fountain is the option. Drop water from the bowls of brass in pound shaped basin which is stable by wood stand. Fill basin with different size stones. Keep plant in wooden frame as well. To bring dropping water in basin back to upper portion use soundless electric pumps. Only the voice of flowing water will give melodiousness to your ears. Music Indoor Fountains: The music fountain give pleasure to your eyes and sweetness to your ears. You can get the music fountain with basin and frame of 3 feet height. To decrease its weight you can make it by unreal stones. The main attraction of this fountain is colorful flowers of spring. Water flows from top to bottom. Electric pumps are used for back flow of water. This process continues and gave pleasant look. To increase the beauty of music fountain you can reflect the light from top frame by using LED lights.  We are committed to serving the best to our customers. So we have a lot of such creative ideas. If you want your home to be a perfect place then you can contact us at 0321-7673867.


Quality Assessment of Building Materials

Quality Assessment of Building Materials is the first step whenever you decided to build your house.Here are some useful guidelines to check the quality of raw material to construct your house. The purpose of this article is to provide you the basic information. With the help of required and high-quality material, a person can easily construct elegant, stylish and quality house. The process is quite simple, you only have to get some basic information.List of basic Raw Material used in construction:SandBricksCementCrushSteelA perfect quality house is not only concern with its layout, infect the quality of raw material matters a lot. following are some useful information regarding this matter.Quality Assessment of Sand:Sand is the basic elements that should have some qualities. Like all other materials, Sand also contains some attributes which specify its quality.  A good quality sand does not contain the amount of silt m pore than 4%. a good quality sand consists of small stones and free from mud balls and unwanted material. The size of the particles of sand is generally 1/16 mm to 2mm. According to the size, it is divided into a thin, thick and medium category. A good quality sand contains small particles. However different categories are used for different purposes. Thick size sand is used for underground water tanks and pillars, medium size sand is used for plaster and thin size sand is used for plaster finishing.Builders and suppliers take advantage of our less knowledge and sold us low-standard sand.the are some ways to check the quality of sand. One of them is following:Take a little quantity of sand in a glass of water, shake it well and wait until sand collects at the bottom of the glass, you will see the soil and other particles come at the upper surface of the glass.Another way is to mix Sodium Hydro Oxide in water and you can check the quality by noticing the change in color of the mixture. Quality Assessment of Bricks:Best quality bricks should be well burnt.Bricks should have cracks and surface flaws.Bricks should have uniform size and shape.Bricks should create a clear sound when it stuck with something.Edges of bricks should be compact and homogeneous.When it is scratched by a nail, the surface should remain as it is with no scratch.The weight should be 1850 kg/cum.Good quality bricks do not suck more than 5% of water. It should not break when it is dropped to ground from the height of one meter.If it is socked in water for 24 hours, and then dry it in shadow it should not show white salts on its surface.Quality Assessment of Cement:The color of cement should be greenish gray.It should be free from any hard lump, dust, and other foreign material.If you insert your hand into a bag of cement it should give you a cool feeling.If you throw a small quantity of cement into the water bucket, cement should float on the surface before immerse, if it sinks immediately then it is definitely impure. When you rub cement between your fingers it should give a smooth finish.The weight of standard cement should not be less than 1440 kg/cum.The initial setting time of cement should not less than 45 minutes and final setting time should not more than 10 hours if it is of good quality cement.Tip:Do not keep it in a wet place and in the rainy season make it cover with the sheets of polythene. Make sure you only open the bag of cement when it is required.Quality Assessment of Stones/Crush:Generally, if soil or dust collects on the crush than cement do not stick with it and the time to be strengthened and setting of cement effects.That's why a good quality stone should be used because it is long lasting and strong and can make a perfect combination with cement. Following are some criteria to check its quality:Crush should be in different shapes and it should not be smooth.It should not contain dust or any other unwanted material.It should not have any colors on it.Since crush is used after mixing it with water, so make sure the purity of water such as water should not contain any chemical composition.Quality Assessment of Steel:Steel should have following qualities:It should be free from cracks.The surface should be rust free as much as possible.Dia all steel bars should be equal.Steels weight should not be less than 7850kg/cum.It is necessary to store steel in proper place. keep away from the wet place. keep it in dry and shaded place. If you are restricted to keep it in open place than make your don not keep it more than one month. and before using clean it properly.Test:You can apply a simple test to check the quality of steel. that is called a bend test. in this test, a steel rod is a bend from 90 to 350-degree angle and after that make it straight again. If the rod retains its original shape and there are no cracks on it then the quality is best.If you want more help regarding this matter you can freely contact us. we are available to help you. Contact Number: 0321- 7673867


Smart Home Unique Ideas

Smart Home is everyone's desire but in the current age of inflation, it is not an easy approach to construct a house smartly. Due to the rising amount of prices, small houses are also selling costly. And when it comes to the small house, people seem to cry about the little space for their living. One of the biggest issues is what to do with all the stuff and where it will go? So specialist advised them to use every single corner of the house.Not all the things are needed to keep in store, many of them are needed on daily bases that's why women's want to keep them in a place which is readily reachable because these things are frequently used in a day.So let discuss the ideas that can make your house more arranged and unique. That can provide you more extra space to put your furniture and things avoiding the little size of the house. Following are some useful and unique ideas:Use the Space Under the StairsUsing the space under your stairs can have a considerable measure of effect to your home. It can include a wealth of additional storage. it can give you considerably more space to utilize. In a situation that you have a two stories house, at that point, you will surely have space under your stairs. Regardless of whether you're using it to its maximum capacity is another issue. In case you're considering giving your under-stair zone a makeover, you should attempt to get innovative. Consider what your home needs a greater amount of and put the zone to great utilize. For example, you require more storage room, you can utilize this area in various ways and keep the extra luggage in that zone.Folding Bed:A folding bed is a bed that can be folded into a wall or cabinet to save space.If you are facing an issue of little space than you can have a folding bad which can be folded after utilization. You can have a variety of such beds which are more reliable and also help in space saving.   Make Cabinets and Shelves in Tv Lounge:You can use the walls of your Lounge to make cabinets and shelves. Where you can keep many things like books, decoration pieces, vases etc. This may give you additional space to manage things. By decorating that walls you can enhance the beauty of your lounge. And the cabinets can be used to keep accessories like clothes, shoes, sweater, jackets and all such kind of stuff. Use Multi-Purpose Furniture:The House is not completed without furniture. A little effort can provide you the best storage facility. If you want more things to store in small space than buy the furniture that can be used for dual purposes. For example, a table having a secret cabinet to keep extra things.Use Hangers in Kitchen:You can use hangers in the kitchen in a stylish and modern way to hang up things like spoons, spatulas etc which are frequently used. This can help you to store things efficiently and provide you more area to keep other things.Make Shelves instead of Cabinet:Sice cabinet take more space so make shelves instead of them. This can make your kitchen more attractive and efficient. You can use wooden made shelves for this purpose so that the shelves look elegant. Use Kitchen Shelves as Dining Table:Although dining table is a basic necessity and in small houses, you do not have much space for a dining table but now you can get rid of that problem by using kitchen shelves as a dining table. you can keep chairs around the shelve and us the shelve for dual purpose.Cabinet on Upper Side of Kitchen:Similarly, you can make cabinets on upper side of the kitchen. it can store plenty of utensils and it also looks elegant and beautiful. People sometimes avoided that space and do not utilize it and face the issue of less space so, be a smart person and try to get more creative and unique to solve problems.If you also want to design your house more smartly, or you are facing the small space issue than you can get rid of that problem by consulting us. We can provide you better and efficient approach to design your house can contact us to get many more unique and creative ideas.Contact Number:  0321-7673867


Afzal Agro Farm- The First Organic Farm Project of Pakistan

Afzal Agro Farm is a new step in the innovative developments. It is a project of organic farmhouses in Pakistan for the first time.  It is ideally located on motorway M-2, near Neela Dulla Interchange, about 30-minute drive from Islamabad. Chaudhry Muhammad Afzal is an Owner of this project. whose aim is to motivate general public towards organic farming and wanted to improve the way of farming and living.General Products of Afzal Agro Farms are:GrapesOlivesStrawberryBlood OrangeApple PeachGuavaPomegranateGoat Farming Fish FarmingThe Society will itself provides the free seeds and olives to the farm lovers who are passionate to do farming on the Farm.Features of this Farm Includes:Gated CommunityElectricity24/7 Water SupplyMasjidHospitalCricket StadiumInternational Scool4 Star HotelFood Court, Multiplex Cinema, Park, Zoo and Water Park.It is the great opportunity to get relief from noisy and populated areas of Pakistan. It is the ideal location where you would have a peaceful life with all the luxurious facilities.The layout Plan of Afzal Argo Farm:5 Years Plan- Payment Schedule:This Project contains different sizes of organic farms, from  5 Kanal up to 25 Kanal. 5 % and 10 % discount are also available on half and full payment respectively on booking. Following are the prices and payment plan for the farms: The development work has been started. So, avail this opportunity and visit the location to get peaceful living standards.  To get more updates stay tuned with us. And for queries contact us at 0331-5454669.


Rawal Expo 2018 Organized by RCCI at Topi Rakh Auditorium

Rawal Expo 2018 event organized by Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) is going to be held at Topi Rakh Auditorium Ayub Park Rawalpindi Pakistan. This time there would be much more surprises such as:International Companies Participation Consumer ProductsBuilders developers and real EstatesEducation PavilionSocial Evening for FamilyKida ArenaFood Courts The five day Industrial Exhibition, RAWAL International EXPO 2018 will be commenced on April 11 and will proceed till April 15. Modern items, Garments, cowhide items, pearl and gems, Home Appliances and furniture will be shown at the event. Sustenance Court, Children Playing Zone, and Auto show will likewise be sorted out to draw in and engage families and youngsters. This has been revealed by the President RCCI Zahid Latif Khan while tending to the Press Conferrence.RCCI would attempt full-scale endeavors to make it a business cum family occasion, he said including, it is an open door for the merchants to get an introduction and show their items and administrations for potential clients. He educated the expo would give adequate chance to the business group to exhibit and publicize items and administrations. More than 70 famous neighborhood marks other than 12 to 15 worldwide organizations would take an interest in the expo. He educated that around 175,000 impressions were recorded a year ago while this year, the board of trustees is expecting more than 500,000 residents at the expo. The president stated idiot-proof courses of action would be made to guarantee security as the law authorization offices have been taken installed. The section would be free, he said including, the guests must have their character cards to appear at the passage entryway. Raja Amer said the RCCI has been masterminding expos titled 'Made in Pakistan' in numerous nations including India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, United Kingdom and the United States which stayed effective and added to upgrade nation's fares. The slow down holders, on the spot, can test advertising of their items and administrations to an overwhelming surge of guests. They can get nearer to the purchasers and dealers to improve special market open door for driving edge organizations, occupied with modern, customers and administrations base exercises for creating new business, he included. The dealers will likewise get the chance to end up a piece of RCCI, he said including, there would be slows down especially for Industrial items, articles of clothing, cowhide items and furniture. Isolate slows down would likewise be set up in the nourishment court, he included. Outside negotiators, especially from Thailand, Indonesia, China, Nepal, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and others, would visit the expo and their social shows would likewise be exhibited to engage the guests. The expo highlights sustenance celebration, kids fair, unrecorded music, social night, automobile expo and fortunate draws while dignitaries, remote representatives, business affiliations, business pioneers, RCCI corporate class individuals, RCCI relate class individuals, the scholarly community and understudies, showbiz and Media VIPs and overall population would visit the expo, he said.


Cine Gold Plex and The Arena Presents Watch to Win Contest.

Cine Gold Plex and The Arena presents watch to win contest. This contest will start from 15 March 2018 to 12 April 2018.Arena and CineGold Plex is giving you the chance to win a brand new Suzuki Ciaz Car.The contset is being run everywhere Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore.The best part is that you can watch live PSL on 20th, 21th and 25th March.Purchase a ticket from Arena and CineGold Plex.Fill out the entry coupon along with your CNIC copy.The more entries you make, you get more chances to win a car.This contest has the following terms and conditions:Gift Vouchers shall not entertained.The tickets buy from 15 March 2018 to 12 April 2018 wil eligible for watch to win contest.After the defined period entries will not accepted.Fraudulent entries will not entertained.After participators have to follow all the policies. The winner is required to pay the taxes on the prize.The winning confirmation letter, Ticket history with the copy of CNIC must be presented for the collection of prize.Every tickets purchased will equivalent to one entry.


Gwadar Golf City - A Project by BSM Developers

Gwadar Golf City is an exclusive housing project in Gwadar Port City by BSM the grandson of property tycoon Mr. Malik Riaz Hussain, Chairman of Bahria Town. Malik Riaz holds the designantion of patron-in-BSM Developers.According to the NOC details of the project, this project was initially named as Rabia City Gawadar but that NOC was cancelled and now it restored its NOC and renamed the society to Gawadar Golf City. Its NOC no is 53/06/HS/GDA that can be verified from GDA. Importance of Gwadar Golf City: Gawadar Development Authority is committed to develop Gawadar as one of the modern and luxurious city of Pakistan because there is no interference of government, all the development decision is under the authority of Gawadar project not a single part of land is owned by government.Following are some highlighted features offered by Gwadar Golf City:      Water Filtration Plants     Hospital & Medical Facilities     24 Hours Electricity     Education Institutes and International University     24 Hours Security and Patrolling     Gym and Sports Center     Cine Gold Cinema     Zoological Garden    Jamia Masjid    Theme Park    Country Club    Civic Center and Sector Markets    Replicas of Famous Monument   Payment Plan:10% Discount on full PaymentThe mentioned price includes cost of land.Processing Fee for 5 and 8 Marlas Plots (PKR: 5,000)Processing Fee for 10 and 20 Marlas Plots (PKR: 10,000)Processing Fee facing Golf Plots 1 Kanal (PKR: 15,000)Processing Fee for facing Golf Plots 2 Kanal ( PKR:20,000)Location of Gwadar Golf City Gwadar Golf City is located in Mouza Paleri Garbi.Adjecent to Jinnah Avenue 2.3KM distance from proposed 500 Acres internationl Shabi university.Naer to Mouza Gunz, where teo commercial plots are under developmentFor mre details contact us at:0331-5454669.


Rawal Farm Houses Rawalpindi

A premier life style destination with luxuries facilities and amenities. Rawal farms comprises more than 100 plots, along with all the latest accommodations and luxuries of modern living that fulfill the need of resident as well as farming. Rawal Farm in Rawalpindi Located at Adiala Road, 4 km away from Army Public School and Army Cantonment Area. It is also few minute drive away from DHA, Bahria Town, Chakri Interchange, Motor Way, Chakwal or G.T Road. It is not only safe and secure but also have a bright future ahead. Away from the noisy and polluted area of city. Where life is full of color and peace.The best part is, you can now have property of Kanals instead of few Marla Plots. So come and avail this opportunity to buy your own property at lower budget and construct your dream house or farm house.Advice Associate Struggle constantly to serve their client in newer and better ways. We provide innovative planning, cost saving opportunities to maximize our contribution. We feel proud by giving highest satisfaction level to our customer and to complete our project timely. Our Mission:Rawal farms has 2 Kanal to 10 Kanal plots, which can be booked on cash payment and easy installment and the prices ranges are between 30,00,000/- to 85,00,000/-.Facilities·         Highly Developed Urban Environment.·         50 to 100 Roads.·         Commercial Area, Cultural Center·         Parks, Aviary, Mosque·         Horse Riding and Race Club, Animal Shed.·         Boundary Wall\24 Hours Security.·         Carpeted Road 70\50 Feet.·         Under Ground Electricity.·         Fire Brigade.·         Care Unit with 24 Hour Ambulance.·         Free Transportation from Khawaja Corps to Society.·         Filling Station·         24 Hour Security·         OFF Grid Solar Street Lamps·         Highest Flag of Pakistan.LocationThe location is easily accessible from major check points and landmarks.Chakri Interchange     17 minsKachari chowk            20 minsBahria Town Phase 8  15 minsDHA Phase 4              15 minsDHA Orchard             15 minsArmy Public School    4 KmFor more details contact us at:051                                                                              


Zarkon Heights G-15 Islamabad - Luxury Apartments For Sale

ZARKON HEIGHTS is the ongoing housing project in Islamabad by ZARKON Developers. ZARKON HEIGHTS is offering one, two, three and also four Bedroom Luxury Apartments for sale. Flats in ZARKON HEIGHTS can be booked on cash payment and also on 16 quarterly installments of four years. ZARKON HEIGHTS is among the best new housing developments in Islamabad because it has state of the art planning, top location and also provision of all up to date amenities. ZARKON HEIGHTS is perfect for living and also real estate property investment in Islamabad. The inspiration for the project is taken from the splendor of Egyptian Architecture that especially works on geometry as a theme. The Egyptian architecture provides the image of a fantasized world along with dominant sale and also thematic approach. This new attraction in Islamabad's skyline will have approximately 900 apartments built with contemporary comforts and also an amazing, wonderful view for its residents.Zarkon Heights is a gated project of apartments complex that includes several mid-rise (G+9) towers of stylishly designed luxury apartments. The project is offering dissimilar types of luxurious apartments such as one bedroom, two bedrooms, three bedroom and also four bedroom duplex apartments in simple installments along with a flexible four years payment plan. Bookings are available in the tower three, tower four, tower five and tower six, whereas initial towers are already booked.Zarkon International has the ability to carry out a project from beginning to completion by itself. Thanks to the total commitment to excellence, Not just has Zarkon international established itself as an important player in the market for its taught-fully intended high-quality, innovative life spaces other than has also won the assurance of hundreds of the clients.Following basic utilities are being supplied in the project:24/7 Maintenance SystemBoundary Wall and also Main GateCommunity Club and also CafeFull Proof Safety SystemsGas ConnectionsGreen LandscapingHealth Care FacilitiesJamia MasjidPostal ServiceRoads and Streets along with Street LightsSchool (primary as well as secondary)Sewerage and also Drainage SystemTelephone LinesUnderground ElectricityWater SupplyWide FootpathsLocation of Zarkon Heights Islamabad:ZARKON HEIGHTS is situated in Sector G-15 Islamabad. ZARKON HEIGHTS has dream location is it is close to Motorway, G.T. Road and also New Islamabad International Airport Islamabad. Location of the project is perfect as it is surrounded by all contemporary facilities like schools, colleges, offices, parks, grounds, commercial centers and also top road links.Strategic Partners of Zarkon Heights:Zarkon Heights is developed under the supervision of 2  most famous construction companies in Pakistan recognized as the Kohistan Builders and also Developers, and the other is Arbab and Zafar (Pvt) Ltd. Both of these companies have worked on a lot of mega construction projects in Pakistan.For more information contact us at: 0331-5454669.


Bahria Rose garden phase8

New Deal of Developed 5 Marla Plots with Ideal Location Open TransferBahria Town has launched new housing block Rose Garden in Bahria Town Phase 8, at the back of Sector N and adjacent to Awami Villas 3. All amenities are available already in the Rose Garden block;consequently, it is a great chance for those who're searching to purchase a developed plot in a low budget in Bahria town. The plots are ready for possession, get the plot construct your dream home and move in. Following are the features of the Rose Garden block:5 Marla (30x40) PlotsAdjacent To Awami Villas 3All essential facilities availableAll Dues Clear PlotsPlots are Fully DevelopedHeights LocationJust Purchase Build And LiveNo Transfer FeePrice twenty Lacs Only.Ready For Possession Amenities and Facilities:All Basic amenities available such as electricity, water, Gas, Telephone, Broadband Internet.Schools, Collages and also renowned universities on few minute distance.Commercial Markets and also Super Stores and Shopping Mall are not far from here.Famous Hospitals, Medical Institutes and also Clinic could found in the surroundings.  As there is a limited number of plots, thus they are given on 1st come 1st serve basis. Consequently, it is better to make a quick decision so that you can avail this opportunity. The rates are being sold at extremely low rates; the total cost is twenty Lacs only. You never find a completely developed and also ready for possession plot for this price.This area is situated next to the Block N. Alternatively; it is adjacent to Phase 8 Extension Bahria Town that is at present an undeveloped area. Adiala Rawat Link Road is near to Rose Garden New Ring Road project Rawalpindi will provide direct access to the Bahria Town via Phase 8 Extension. As a result, this area will be near to Islamabad and Motorway via ring road.The Rose Garden is situated next to the Awami Villas 3. The Awami Villas 3 had been launched a decade before at extremely low prices, but, because of certain problems, the project was late,and also its rate increased so much. Actually, these plots belong to Awami villas 3 projects, other than now these have become part of the newly launched block. Bahria Town offered Awami file proprietors to get five Marla plot in an orchard in against their apartment in Awami 3 after the launch of Bahria Orchard. A lot of people believed it best to catch that chance, and also they moved to the orchard. Therefore, Bahria town was left along with a lot of plots in Awami 3 that they re-launched on full cash and also named the block as Rose Garden.You can select your plot from the accessible options. After that visit, the location, select your desired plot from the list available and also finalize the deal. It is actually that simple!Consequently, now is the time. Hurry! And book the plot right away. If you need any assistance or you want to visit the plot location and also select plots for booking, you could contact anytime at the following number 0331-5454669 or email us at


DHA Gujranwala New Booking

DHA Gujranwala have good news for the people who always looks for 5 marla booking in DHA and that too on Installment that is somehing is best news for people who have small budget to invest in DHA Gujranwala your dream is no more any dream make ir reality now with this bumper offer. DHA Gujranwala has launched new booking of 5 marla residential plots on 2 years installment plan. The Defence Housing Authority has published an advertisement on Saturday, 23rd December 2017 announcing booking of 5 marla residential plots. Earlier, DHA Gujranwala files have been selling on full payment in the market but this new booking on installments is expected to attract attention of majority of people seeking low budget investment. 5 Marla Plots are being launched at 20 Lacs only, with 3 lacs down payment and remaining amount is payable in 7 equal quarterly installments. Booking will be confirmed through computerized balloting. Those who are interested to avail this opportunity may submit applications in the nominated bank branches along with the processing fee of PKR 3000/- in cash. Nominated banks are Askari Bank, Soneri Bank, UBL and Bank of Punjab. Last date to apply for DHA Gujranwala 5 marla plots is 19th January 2018, and balloting date will be announced after the bookings are closed and applications are compiled. It is better to act fast and submit your application forms as soon as possible. Following is the payment plan of DHA Gujranwala 5 marla new plots: There are two ways of submitting application forms. Either you can download the form from the website and manually fill it, or you can fill the form online and download the form to print out. Attach photograph, cnic copy and other required documents and submit along with processing fee in Askari Bank, Bank of Punjab, United Bank or Soneri Bank. Please note that incomplete forms or forms without required documents will not be entertained. Sign the forms and write date on the forms that are filled manually. Instructions for Overseas Pakistanis There are two ways of submitting application for overseas Pakistanis. Either you can ask any of your relative to follow the procedure for Pakistani applicants given above, or you can follow the following procedure: Fill out the form on the website, download and get print. Attach photograph, copy of NICOP, copy of Passport (pages showing personal credentials, pic and last exit/ entry stamp). Deposit processing fee in the following accounts using online transfer or bank deposit: a. Askari Bank IBAN: PK36ASCM0001720100578913 Branch Code: 0172 SWIFT Code: PKKASCM b. Soneri Bank IBAN: PK34SONE0030802040015030 Attach the payment evidence along with the application form, i.e. original deposit slip duly stamped by bank or print of screen shot/transaction in case of online transfer.  Send by DHL/ courier, the form and documents to DHA Gujranwala at following address: DHA Gujranwala Near Chenab Gate Main GT Road, Gujranwala Cantonment, Punjab, Pakistan.Similar Project Like DHA Gujranwala is DHA Valley Islamabad very prime location and prices are also reasonable  These all details based  and data finding team of TEAM ADVICE ASSOCIATES for more details and information please follow us always. BE ADVICIANwww.dhavalley.pkFor more information contact us at: 0331-5454669